
Mia Karabegović got her PhD in 2021 with a thesis on reputation management. She then went to Paris as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institut Jean Nicod, ENS/PSL.
 Helena Miton got her PhD in 2019 with a thesis on cultural evolution. She then went to the Santa Fe Institute as a postdoctoral fellow.
Liuba Voronina worked on coordination and Schelling salience. She completed a Master at Mei:CogSci, Ljubljana in 2023. Photo of Liuba Voronina

Aleksandra Knezevic is a philosopher and social anthropologist. She works on the relationship between science and society, science and values, science and democracy, academic/scientific freedom and social engagement and responsibilities of scientists and scientific communities – from an anthropological (descriptive) and philosophical (normative) perspective. She was a CEU master student, then a doctoral visiting students at the ACES. 


Andras Molnár worked at CEU as a PhD student between 2012 and 2014. He then went to Carnegie Mellon University.
Feride Belma Bumin completed her MA in Economics in 2021. She worked on commitment attribution. After the MA, she registered to the MA program in Psychology at ELTE.
Julius Tacha was a student at MeiCogSci (2017-2019), University of Vienna. He worked on plausible deniability.